10 books recommended by a self-declared bookworm

Lilly Minasyan
2 min readJan 13, 2021


I have not included Barack’s book, but psst read it as well!

Books have been part of my life since I could not even read it, and once I was able to read I found different worlds, realities, opinions, characters through the books. When someone says they are having a hard time to read a book in a year, I am curious how that happens, because without books I don’t see myself. They play such an important part in my life, that the thought of not reading makes me upset.

People come to me for recommendations, I am that person who will easily recommend 50 books right on the spot, without breaking any sweat, if you ask me what is my favorite show, I have only two: Big Bang Theory and Friends, the only two shows that I have watched entirely. So one can assume what I do at my spare time: read.

Since it is the beginning of the year, most people have written some new year’s resolutions and most write “read more”, so if you are in your quest to find amazing books to start off your reading challenge, you came to the right person. And yes, I do think, I have a good taste in books, it comes from the fact that I do not discriminate among the genres.

I came up with 5 fictional and non-fictional books. These are also the books that I recommended to most of my friends and there have been no complaints.


  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • A list of Cages by Robin Roe
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • The Midnight library by Matt Haig


  • How democracies die by Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt
  • Homo sapiens or Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari (is the cheating? Okay!)
  • Grit by Angela Duckworth
  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
  • Becoming by Michelle Obama

I really hope you will like these books, I am quite confident that you will find them interesting, educational, thought-provoking, one of them would make you cry (A list of Cages), if you are a struggling student and doubt your abilities of learning definitely read Grit, it would make you understand your brain a tad bit more. Seriously, read them all!

Happy reading to all bookworms and future bookworms,

From a fellow bookworm!



Lilly Minasyan

Passion for books, running, yoga, coffee (I know I am so unique *heavy sarcasm)! Someone who aspires to be as smart as it gets :)